We’re happy to announce that you can now make donations to your favorite Ikebana International organization–with tax benefits!
We’re happy to announce that you can now make donations to your favorite Ikebana International organization–with tax benefits!
When you make a donation through the Ikebana Iwaya Fund (IIF), your contribution will directly benefit your local chapter of Ikebana International. For example, contributions will help us fund cultural events such as our workshops and annual flower shows at the Denver Botanic Gardens. What is more, it will allow us to preserve this unique art of Japanese flower arranging for future generations.
IIF was formed by Mrs. Sumako Iwaya Solenberger in 2006 to support Ikebana activities in the U.S. and internationally. Donations can be designated for Ikebana International chapters or headquarters, Ikebana schools, study groups, or independent Ikebana organizations. Thanks to the generosity of IIF, for every dollar you contribute, your contribution is doubled by the estate of Sumako Iwaya Solenberger to the IIF Endowment Fund, a 501(c)(3) certified non-profit organization.
More Info
For more information on how you can contribute to your local Ikebana International organization, CLICK HERE.
About Ikebana Iwaya Fund

The late Mrs. Sumako Iwaya Solenberger